About the Urban Temple

Our Foundation in Early Buddhist Teachings

At the core of The Urban Temple lies a deep inspiration drawn from the rich and profound wisdom of Early Buddhist teachings. These teachings, encompassing the essence of mindfulness, compassion, and understanding, provide a timeless guide to living a meaningful and fulfilling life. Our approach is rooted in these ancient philosophies, offering a path to inner peace and clarity in the midst of our modern, hectic world.

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The Temple Crew

Prabhath Sirisena founded the Urban Temple with a close group of friends. He was born to a traditional Buddhist family in Sri Lanka, and has been a monk in the Theravāda Buddhist forest monastic order. As a Visiting Researcher at Leiden University and a PhD Candidate at University of Colombo, he draws from meticulous study of Buddhist texts as well as his forest monastic experience to publish academically in the fields of Anthropology of Buddhism and Early Buddhist studies. As an earnest practitioner, he has more than two decades of experience in the Buddhist way of life. Prabhath is father to a little daughter, and together they live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

A Space Open to All

While our foundation is deeply embedded in Early Buddhist principles, The Urban Temple embraces a universal approach. We are open to all individuals, regardless of their background, culture, or spiritual beliefs. Our community is a tapestry of diverse perspectives, united in the quest for personal growth and spiritual exploration. Whether you are new to spirituality or have been on this path for a while, you are welcome here.

Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Life

Our mission is to bridge the timeless wisdom of Early Buddhism with the practicalities of contemporary living. We believe that these teachings are not just historical relics, but living, breathing philosophies that can profoundly impact our daily lives. At The Urban Temple, we explore how these ancient insights can be applied to modern challenges, helping individuals find balance, purpose, and joy in today’s fast-paced world.

Creating a Community of Learning and Growth

The Urban Temple is not just a platform; it’s a community. We foster an environment of learning, sharing, and support, where each individual’s journey is valued and nurtured. Through various initiatives like The Dharma Digest, workshops, discussions, and community events, we create opportunities for our members to engage, reflect, and evolve both individually and collectively.

Our Vision for the Future

As we grow and evolve, The Urban Temple remains committed to expanding our offerings, always staying true to our goal of making spirituality accessible and actionable. We envision a world where spiritual practice is an integral part of everyday life, creating a ripple effect of positivity, understanding, and compassion in our communities.

Join Us on This Transformative Journey

We invite you to explore The Urban Temple, to engage with our resources, and to become part of a community dedicated to spiritual growth and holistic well-being. Together, let’s embark on a journey of discovery, transformation, and profound fulfilment.