Prabhath Sirisena

Prabhath founded The Urban Temple with a group of close friends. Born to a Buddhist family in Sri Lanka, he spent several years as a forest monk, an experience from which he draws inspiration for life in the city—Amsterdam, in his case.

Learning from fellow travellers is how we progress in our spiritual journey.

Balancing the responsibilities of being a father, a tech founder and executive, a researcher, and a dedicated spiritual practitioner—this is my ongoing challenge. It is also how I can relate to your struggles.

My spiritual quest began in the stillness of Sri Lanka‘s forest monasteries where, as a forest monk, I immersed myself in the study and practice of early Buddhist teachings.

Now, outside those forest retreats, I am passionate about making the Buddha’s insights relevant and practical for our contemporary lives. My mission is to share ways to incorporate these teachings into the challenges and opportunities we face daily, from the office to the home and beyond.

At The Urban Temple, we aim to offer a refuge and a resource. Here, I share my learnings and practices in a manner that I hope will resonate with you, regardless of where you are in your own spiritual journey. Whether it’s through simple meditative practices, mindful living tips, or compassionate action, my goal is to support you in cultivating a life of balance, kindness, and understanding.

I would like to see The Urban Temple become self-sustaining, but have no profit motive for it as I have a successful 20-year long career in the tech industry. I still work as the Co-founder and CPO of Hiveage.

I am also a Visiting Researcher at Leiden University, and a PhD candidate at University of Colombo. My research interests—to no surprise—are in Buddhist studies and anthropology of Buddhism.

My academic interests in the past have been diverse. I have an MSc in Business Psychology from Heriot-Watt University and a BSc in Information Technology from University of Moratuwa.