Personalized Coaching

Embark on your own transformative journey

Whether you’re looking to deepen your meditation practice, find clarity amidst life’s complexities, or cultivate a more compassionate existence, the personalized coaching sessions by Prabhath are designed to meet you where you are, and help you reach where you intend to be.

Contact us for details

The Urban Temple is founded by Prabhath Sirisena and friends. Born to a Buddhist family in Sri Lanka, Prabhath spent several years as a forest monk, an experience from which he draws inspiration for life in the city—Amsterdam, in his case.

Learn more about Prabhath

Use our coaching sessions to explore the dimensions of your practice

Our personalized coaching sessions cover a wide array of subjects tailored to enrich your spiritual and practical life. From deepening your understanding of meditation and mindfulness to applying Buddhist principles in everyday decisions, we offer focused guidance designed to nurture your growth.

Meditation Mastery

Perfect your meditation practice with personalized sessions that cater to your experience level and goals. Learn advanced techniques, overcome common challenges, and explore the depths of mindfulness and concentration to enhance your mental clarity and inner peace.

Mindful Living

Integrate mindfulness into every aspect of your daily life. From mindful eating and walking to mindful communication and work, discover practical ways to live with greater presence, purpose, and peace amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Emotional Balance

Navigate your emotions with wisdom and compassion. Learn Buddhist techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions, fostering emotional resilience, and cultivating a serene mind in the face of life’s ups and downs.

Buddhist Philosophy

Delve into the rich teachings of Buddhism and how they apply to contemporary life. Explore key concepts, texts, and practices in sessions that illuminate the path of gradual training, compassion, and ethical living.

Compassionate Relationships

Cultivate deeper connections with others through the power of compassion and empathy. Learn how to apply Buddhist teachings to enhance your relationships, communicate more effectively, and build a supportive community around you.

Purpose and Direction

Find clarity and direction in your life with coaching sessions focused on discovering your purpose. Learn how to align your actions with your values, set meaningful goals, and make decisions that lead to a fulfilling and impactful life.

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